Lesson Schedule

Tuition is charged on a semesterly basis, divided into three semesters per year as follows: 

1st Semester: January through April

2nd Semester: May through August

3rd Semester: September through December

Students receive fifteen lessons each semester, with 2-3 weeks off during the semester. The price per semester will be divided into four equal payments due at the beginning of each month, as listed in the next section.

Students are expected to take lessons year-round. I cannot guarantee a spot in my studio for those who choose not to take lessons during the summer or at other times of the year.

Tuition and Payment

30-minute lessons: $120 per month

45-minute lessons: $180 per month

60-minute lessons: $240 per month

Payments are made by credit card or bank account through each student’s portal account at annaspianostudio.org. A 3.2% convenience fee will be charged for credit cards and a 1% fee for bank accounts.

Please pay the monthly fee at the beginning of each month. The monthly fee does not change regardless of number of lessons given (3 to 5 depending on the month).  

Payment is due by the 7th of each month, after which, a $15 late fee will be added.

Account Registration

All students or parents of students will make a student account on annaspianostudio.org. This is where the calendar of lessons, recital dates, and lesson notes can be accessed. It is also where tuition payments are made.


Lessons are given at my studio locations in Cedar Hills, Utah and Highland, Utah, but virtual lessons through FaceTime or Zoom are options for long-distance students.


30-day notice must be given if a student determines to discontinue lessons. Send notice of cancellations to pianostudio.anna@gmail.com or call/text at 801-518-4202. 

Tuition Assumptions

  • Tuition reserves a weekly time slot and membership in my studio.

  • If a student discontinues lessons in the middle of a month, all lessons within that month must still be paid in full.

Make-up Lessons

I do not reschedule or reimburse tuition for missed lessons. If a student needs to miss a lesson because of illness, travel, or another conflict, lessons may be made up in one of four ways:

  • I will make a series of videos for the student that covers the assignments for the week. These videos will be emailed or texted to the parent or student.

  • Virtual lessons via FaceTime or Zoom are a great option for a student who is sick but still feels well enough for a lesson. This is also a good alternative for students who are traveling but still have access to a piano.

  • If multiple siblings study piano with me, one child may extend their lesson for the week to take up the time of another child’s lesson. For example, if three siblings each have a thirty-minute lesson with me, but one child will be gone for a week, the other two siblings may each have a forty-five minute lesson if these students have back-to-back lessons.

  • I may use the lesson time to choose repertoire for the student.


Please do not come to lessons if sick. In the case of mild illness, please wear a mask or arrangements can be made for a lesson through FaceTime or Zoom. I reserve the right to send home any student who comes to lessons with an illness.

Practice Requirements

Students are to practice five to six days a week. Students twelve-years-old and older are to practice for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. 

Instrument Guidelines

Students must have regular access to a regularly-tuned piano in good working condition. If a digital piano is used, it must be full-sized with 88 weighted keys and a pedal. I may ask to see a video of your piano to make sure it is suitable.

Lesson Etiquette

  • Students are to be respectful and obedient. Students should not play the piano when I am speaking unless I have asked them to play.

  • Hands should be kept clean with fingernails trimmed. After two warnings and a discussion with parents, I will ask students to trim their nails during a lesson if they continue to come to lessons with nails that are too long.

  • Students should not look at cellphones or smart watches during lessons. Occasionally, I may ask a student to use their phone or watch to record me while I play the piano for them so that they can refer to it during their practicing. Other than this, students should not use technology in the lesson.

  • No gum chewing during lessons.

  • Parents are always welcome at any lessons, but parents are required to attend the lessons of students five years old and younger.

  • Please be on time to lessons. I schedule students back-to-back, so I cannot extend a student’s lesson time to make up for time lost when a student is late.

  • Please inform me when a student will miss a lesson. This can be done through your student portal account.

  • Please do not arrive more than five minutes early for a lesson, and please do not be more than five minutes late picking up your student. Because I have to travel between my two locations, I may not be there at your lesson yet if you are too early.

Books and Materials

  • Each student should bring a spiral-bound notebook to each lesson. I will write the week’s assignments in this notebook.

  • Each student should also have access to a working metronome. There are many good options on Amazon as well as several free metronome apps that can be used on the student or parent’s phone or tablet.

  • The parent is responsible for buying new books and music for the student. When a new book or piece of music is needed, I will notify the parent of what is needed. Most music can be found for reasonable prices on Amazon or at local music stores.

  • At times, I may lend the student music from my own library for certain occasions such as recitals.


Two recitals will be held each year, one in the spring, usually late April, and the other in the winter, normally early December. Recital participation is required, and all students are expected to perform a memorized, polished piece in each recital. Adult students may perform if desired but are not required to do so. Other exceptions are virtual students who live too far away to attend recitals. A small, nonrefundable fee of $5 per student is charged for each recital. This is due a month before each recital.

Festivals and AIM Testing

While not required, students will have the opportunity to perform in the National Federation of Music Clubs Festival in February/March of each year. They may also participate in Achievement of Music (AIM) testing of performance, ear-training, technique, sight-reading, and theory. 

Other Information

PROBATION: Students not meeting the practice requirements will be put on probation and dropped from the studio if no improvement is made. 

PHONE CALLS & E-MAILS: E-mails or texts are preferred. I do not answer business-related phone calls, texts or emails on weekends as that is my time with my family. If you need to communicate with me during the weekend, please send an email, not a text.  I still don’t answer business emails during the weekend, but an email is much less distracting from family time than a text.